Home Featured Catherine Bleish Homeschooling Mom Turns Homemade Product into Million Dollar International Business

Homeschooling Mom Turns Homemade Product into Million Dollar International Business


Have you heard of My Magic Mud? This amazing tooth whitening powder was developed by a homeschooling mom of four in her kitchen. She has since turned it into an international million dollar business and you can find her products in stores across the globe.My Magic Mud

This entrepreneurial mother was simply looking for a solution to help her children with their oral hygiene. After months of internet research and trying a variety of ingredients, Jessica stumbled upon a magical combination – charcoal and bentonite clay. The results were so profound that she began to share her concoction with friends and family. I was one of the blessed beta testers who got to try her product in 2013 – I believe it was hand delivered in a zip lock bag.

The results were astounding – my teeth became more white with the first brush and my teeth felt super smooth, like I had just left the dentist after a cleaning. Its the only product I use on my teeth now, and it has done more than just whiten them, I have lost all sensitivity to cold. For over 10 years I could not have ice in my drinks or really enjoy ice-cream without excruciating tooth pain. My Magic Mud has reversed those symptom for me, and I have zero interested in putting any other product in my mouth.

It all Started With a Facebook Post!

Once she and her family realized they were onto something truly remarkable, her daughter made a Facebook post showing the world the results of using the charcoal based powder.

Immediately her friends began to ask where they could buy it. Jessica and her husband Justin jumped into action. Within two weeks they had begun to bottle and label their magical product, a website was created, and the products went for sale online.

DIY Grassroots Business







Jessica began filling orders and creating her product in bulk. They designed their first label, and began sourcing the finest and nonabrasive charcoal on the planet. As orders began to pour in, she realized the demand for natural tooth whitening powder was beyond what she could service online, so she took her product to the people of Central Texas by working farmer’s market booths in New Braunsfels, San Marcos, and all around Central Texas.

Their first trade show was in Irving, TX in early 2014, it was a small regional show where they learned about NPA Expo East. They had a booth at Expo East in September of 2014 which served as their first major launch into stores. From that point forward things began to move very quickly for the Arman family!

Interesting Trivia

  • Their first wholesale account was Brave New Books in Austin, Texas
  • Their first health food store was For Goodness Sake in New Braunfels, Texas
  • Their first retail event outside of Texas was in New Hampshire at the Porcupine Freedom Festival in 2014
  • Their first International trade show was in Australia last year

Today this phenomenal product can be purchased in stores across the globe. You can support The Homestead Guru by shopping on our sister site for My Magic Mud.

Congratulations, Jessica. I love watching you soar <3

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