Home Environment Off The Grid How to Get Off the Grid With Your Wallet Intact

How to Get Off the Grid With Your Wallet Intact


Moving off the grid and into a self-sufficient mode of living has the potential to be expensive. According to the EPA, renewable electricity conversion alone can create big invoices and take up a lot of valuable. However, the benefits of going off the grid will far outweigh any initial outlay. For families hoping to make the switch, there are several strategies you can employ to make the change without risking financial failure.

Spreading the cost

If you are reticent about using savings or pursuing credit to fund an off-the-grid conversion, it’s important to bear in mind the benefits to your monthly bills that being self-sufficient will bring. A study of off-the-grid homeowners in Australia found that investing US$13,000 would lead to nearly $2,000 per year in savings. This will mean you can restock your savings rapidly or make large payments on credit to prevent interest stacking. Don’t limit your budget, but rather, make an improvement plan, calculate your energy and utility savings, and off-set this against any costs.

Taking advantage of incentives

As well as your improvements making your monthly bill figure reduce, there are numerous incentives that make the cost of installation better. The Database of State Incentives for Renewables & Efficiency keep an extensive and exhaustive list of these benefits. Researching the list can give you a crystal clear picture into what assistance you could be owed. Again, don’t limit your improvements until you know exactly what subsidies you are entitled to.

Patience and commitment

Above all, the key to maintaining your financial health is patience. If your plans don’t immediately work out, persist with them and don’t be deterred by setbacks. A great example of where to apply this is in growing food; as the influential Royal Horticultural Society of the UK note, there is a huge variety of techniques with which to grow fresh produce, and it might not always be immediately obvious to the homeowner. It takes time and effort to be fully integrated with an off-the-grid lifestyle and reverting your work will obviously cost money. By being patient, you can commit to your new lifestyle and readjust how you manage money in a viable way.

Going off-the-grid will benefit you every single month by reducing your grocery, energy, and utility bills. The setup cost, however, can frequently feel prohibitive. Don’t be overawed by your invoices; look at how your life will be impacted by the change, stay calm, and continue with the plan.

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