Home Home Remedies This Common Household Herb is More Effective at Stopping Pain than Ibuprofen

This Common Household Herb is More Effective at Stopping Pain than Ibuprofen


A study on turmeric was conducted with 109 patients with osteoarthritis of the knee. The clinical trial was published in the journal, Alternative and Complementary Medicine.

To conduct the trial, some patients were given 800mg of ibuprofen while others received 2000mg of turmeric a day for six weeks. They tracked their pain while doing different activities, including walking and stair climbing.

The patients that took the Turmeric yielded better results. They showed greater performance and claimed they had a higher level of satisfaction then that of the ibuprofen group.

While Turmeric has been known as a safe and natural pain killer for centuries, Ibuprofen has been found to be very damaging. Turmeric contains polyphenol which has been shown to have over 600 health benefits. “The Lancet review has found ibuprofen to be as toxic to the heart as Vioxx, a banned anti-inflammatory drug that caused thousands of deaths from cardiovascular diseases.” Turmeric is also very affordable and according to this study, it is definitely the better choice when it comes to remedying what ails you.

Abstract image of Indian tumeric powder from vegetable market.Other uses for Turmeric:

  • Antiseptic and antibacterial properties, is useful for disinfecting wounds and burns
  • Excellent in the prevention of prostate cancer, on the existing cancer prevents further development
  • Prevents the growth of breast cancer
  • Natural prevention of melanoma: on the existing location it kills cancer cells and prevents further development
  • Reduces the risk of childhood leukemia
  • Cleanse the liver naturally
  • May slow or prevent the development of Alzheimer’s disease (destroys accumulated amyloidosis in the brain)
  • Prevents the growth of metastases in many cancers
  • Natural remedy against pain
  • Regulates metabolism and helps to lose weight
  • In China is used as a cure for depression
  • Cure arthritis and Reumah
  • Protects against cancer of the thyroid gland
  • Helps in the treatment of psoriasis and other inflammatory skin diseases.
  • Accelerates wound healing and quickly restores the injured skin

red relief turmeric and kratom

Try Red Relief from MyBraveBotanicals.com – it’s a blend of kratom, turmeric, and black pepper. Great for pain and inflammation. 

So now you know, the next time you have a headache, or any of the other ailments listed above, just head over to your spice rack and grab some Turmeric. Make sure you stay stocked up!




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Carolyn henson
Carolyn henson
8 years ago

“Tumeric Users Group” on Facebook has the best info for everybody, I make tumeric paste that I give to my dog and myself…….their profile pic is a green sketch of a tumeric plant, it’s the best site out of all of them on there.

8 years ago
Reply to  Carolyn henson

I’m having trouble finding the page you describe. Can you put a link here please. Also is it possible to copy and past the tumeric paste recipe. Thanks!

8 years ago
Reply to  Carolyn henson

Might you post the link? Please.

Gardening Professor
Gardening Professor
8 years ago

Fascinating article! It’s amazing how many different uses one spice can have. Two points: “Polyphenol” isn’t one single chemical, there’s a very long list of what chemists call “polyphenols”, and they don’t all have the same properties and effects. (For comparison, imagine saying “plant has tasty berries”… there’s a lot of plants and they don’t all have berries!) Second, a lot of the medical studies of turmeric’s benefits (and yes, there are some!) have been done in living mice or in human cells “in vitro”… in lab studies only, not yet in living patients. So, there’s good reason to think… Read more »

Enjoy spices
Enjoy spices
8 years ago

Thankyou for this.. I enjoy Turmeric, but don’t see it as a panacaea for all ills.

8 years ago

I can’t seem to find that on Facebook. Would you be able to paste the actual link? Thanks 🙂

8 years ago

how much and how do you take it. a spoonful a day, I wish these article would continue to explain these things.

8 years ago
Reply to  Jc

2000 milligram does per day was given in the article. You wish has been granted.

8 years ago
Reply to  jeffhall

HOW do you take it poopy

8 years ago

I give it to my dog also, has been a miracle for his arthritis.

Coral Swan
Coral Swan
8 years ago
Reply to  lynn

How much do you give him? How big is he? I have an 85-pound retriever-chow mix who takes an aspirin every morning and night for arthritis. How do you administer yours? Thanks.

8 years ago
Reply to  Coral Swan

I gave my dog, a chocolate lab, a teaspoon full once a day. I make a paste of raw honey and turmeric. you could also make a paste of turmeric and coconut oil. Her mobility has greatly improved. She is 83 pounds.

8 years ago

How much a day?? How do you take it? With water,pill,dry?

8 years ago

in India it is used to kill scabies.

8 years ago

Please say how tumeric is used, and how often do I take it. Can it be consumed daily?

Donita Tiller
8 years ago
Reply to  CMB

Can it be taken with anti depressants and cholesterol lowering med. And water pills? I do not like taking med. With chemicals.

8 years ago
Reply to  Donita Tiller

Google it and read all articles. You get more benefits in supplement form with 95% curcuminoids. This stuff really works fast and should get you off depression meds to. Spice form is the weakest way to get the benefits. I’ve got cronic pain, arthritis, from a shattered ankle and I can tell when i run out. Try Natures Answer brand Turmeric-3.

8 years ago
Reply to  CMB

Did you not read the article?

8 years ago

Search “Tumeric User Group”of the search bar of your Facebook to get some great info and recipes


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Gladys tally
Gladys tally
8 years ago

You can take it in a shake, into a glass of milk. Buy the gelcaps and fil them. Turmericic is fantastic go to AltHEALTHWorks Page and find out more info.

8 years ago
Reply to  Gladys tally

How do you know what strength of dose you get if you fill gel caps yourself?


[…] This Common Household Herb is More Effective at Fighting Headaches than Ibuprofen […]

Cinnamon Freak
Cinnamon Freak
8 years ago

Which clinical trial / study are you referring to? Who conducted it, and when and where was it conducted? Who were the subjects the trial was conducted on? As for all the other claims in the article, where are the research references?

Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for natural remedies, but I need real evidence. 🙂

Catherine Bleish
8 years ago
Reply to  Cinnamon Freak

I am not the author, but I will ask! I wanted to make sure you knew that we saw your question!

8 years ago

Where do you get the 2000 mgs

8 years ago

Traditionally, to fight inflammation, 1600 mgs of IB was recommended. Also when I click the study link posted, there is no result for ‘osteoarthritis & turmeric’ linked. Also 109 people is not enough people to study: maybe these people barely had any pain. I would look for more sources to verify results. I subscribe to ConsumerLab.com to get objective, 3rd party analysis of all supplements before I buy. You can keep up with their FB page but if you subscribe, you get access to all past studies, all new updates and you get to SUGGEST products that you want tested.… Read more »

sarah matthews
sarah matthews
8 years ago

The Balinese make a tonic of fresh turmeric combined with either galangal or ginger and black peppercorn and lime, and they do it by simmering the root for 20 minutes. There are differing recipes. There is discussion of the need also to combine turmeric with an oil or fat to increase absorption, and that a good quality powder is needed to achieve high potency, and it needs to be used quickly as it starts to come out of solution after a few hours. Using the root only does not achieve high potency. I wonder whether using the fresh root, as… Read more »

8 years ago

Everyday. Tea and make my own capsules.

8 years ago

For the record, 800mg of Ibuprofen is quite a bit. A typical household dose is 200mg. That’s one tablet, when two (400mg) are typically taken in an eight hour period. The only time I’ve ever been given an 800mg tablet was by prescription for pain after some dental work, and that because I don’t like opiates and refuse to take them.

2,000mg as a spice should be fairly easy to do. 28,500mg is an ounce. Not much.

8 years ago
Reply to  Liam

800mg Ibuprofen is a normal medical prescription for pain relief. My daughter takes this 2-3 times a day and has for the last 3 years due to a car accident where she fractured vertebrae in her neck and back. She used CuraMed 750 mg 2 times a day for 2 years, in addition to the Ibuprofen. She has recently switched to Curcumin 95 (from Jarrow Formulas) 500 as it is cheaper but she takes 3 throughout the day. After reading this, she will try increasing the Curcumin and decreasing the Ibuprofen. I usually start with 3 tablets (600mg) Ibuprofen when… Read more »

8 years ago

I agree with Cinnamon Freak. I need to see evidence. My question though is, how often do you have to take it… every day? 2000 mg is a lot every day! I take ibuprofen, but only sporadically, maybe once every two weeks.

8 years ago

Is it safe for those in kidney failure?

K f
K f
8 years ago

It is important to know that you must have Tumeric with bioperine in order to absorb the tumeric. It takes a significant amount of tumeric to get the benefits. Bioperine which is pepper will enhance absorbtion by 2000 times. Otherwise the majority of tumeric will pass through you.

8 years ago

I get so frustrated with the apparent ignorance of people in general… Cannot a person of average intelligence and observation abilities notice that the CORRECT name of this plant is TURMERIC !?!?! NOT “Tumeric.” Honestly, I’ve seen articles, recipes, and books wherein the author writes “tumeric” which, in my opinion, seems to discredit everything that they’ve written. Help lend credibility to the discussion of how fabulous turmeric is by spelling it correctly!

8 years ago
Reply to  Denelle

WOW. Well said. Yes. Most americans call it tumeric. I dont know why people swallow the “R” in tuRmeric. Do they think only R has the medicinal benefits.

8 years ago

It’s been a while “Cat Bleish”. I share “Cinnamon Freaks” attitude regarding show me the details and scientific evidence. I use turmeric as often as possible in food — particularly in ethnic recipes. It would be interesting to see the evidence.

Gina Milsome
Gina Milsome
8 years ago

Makes à great ‘alternative’ toothpaste which actually whitens your teeth(always use organic turmeric)

8 years ago

That’s a big jump from one study on joint pain to a headline title on headaches.


[…] This Common Household Herb is More Effective at Fighting Headaches than Ibuprofen – To conduct the trial, some patients were given 800mg of ibuprofen while others received 2000mg of turmeric a day for six weeks. They tracked their pain while doing different activities, including walking and stair climbing. The patients that took … […]

7 years ago

Turmeric is a spice rather than an herb, or a herb, as the British would say. And get it fresh or dry (powdered), not from a bottle.

Janie Sheehan
Janie Sheehan
7 years ago

Turmeric needs black pepper for your body to absorb /activate it, or you only get about 2% of what you ingested. I began giving CVS 500mg Turmeric with black pepper capsules to my old German Shepherd, WITH FOOD, (or tear his stomach up) because I had to lift him to get him up to go to the toilet. Within a couple of weeks he was jumping on his loveseat instead of lying on a quilt on the floor. I am 71 and have terrible arthritis in my spine and had been taking Tizanidine, antispasmodic muscle relaxants, plus ibuprofen for my… Read more »


[…] Tumeric. This golden root has been used in cooking and health applications for thousands of years. See all the benefits here! Tumeric powder is easy to add to your cooking, and the raw root is even turning up in produce […]

Debbie Young
Debbie Young
5 years ago

Hi everyone, I have a question for the group. My husband has Cirrhosis of the Liver and is in pain often. He can’t take Tylenol or aspirin products of any kind. Could he take this turmeric for his pain? The doctor he has doesn’t give us any help when it comes to herbal medicine so my hubby has to be in pain all the time. Any suggestions or help would be highly appreciated. Thank you….

Catherine Bleish
5 years ago
Reply to  Debbie Young

I would try turmeric or CBD. Contact Dr. Matthew Buckely in Austin, Texas he can probably do a phone consult for supplements/nutrition that could help. http://www.kinseimindbody.com