Home Authors Posts by Krystal Trammell

Krystal Trammell

WebDev, writer, and biz coach at www.KrystalTrammell.com. Permaculture-minded hippie + mother of five unschoolers.
Remember when cell phones first came out, and people were all worried about cell phone radiation from them? Turns out they were right to worry. New research has exposed the hazards of carrying your mobile phone in close proximity to your...
So you think you've got what it takes for off-grid living? Even if your home and land are not 100% off-grid yet, there's still many quick, easy ways you can shift your choices toward off-grid living. Just simple things like how...
When you were a kid, you probably hated naps--but naps are something of a guilty pleasure for most adults. There's a lot of nap-shaming out there, especially in American culture. Only about one-third of adults admit to taking regular naps,...
Long before you live off-grid, you'll need to rethink a few things about modern living, and learn a few new skills as well. Off-grid living comes with a decent learning curve. This is especially true when you've grown up in...
A classroom in Maryland has gotten rid of desks for its students, and is reporting that the kids are able to do more and better quality work. Apparently, sitting at desks all day isn't what's best for the minds...
Did you know that tomatoes hate cucumbers? Consider companion planting.  While they might taste great together in a salad, tomato plants dislike growing in close proximity to any member of the cucurbit family, which includes cucumbers. Tomatoes love carrots and basil,...
A poem, penned by Khalilah Bilal, of Beacon Hill Community Garden, San Antonio, Texas:  Choking in anger, anger sat in my bowels It is the fiber of my hair, debilitated from fear I begin to weed, it takes the pain away. It takes...
Fascinating new research has revealed that we're not the only species that use an internet to communicate. Plants may seem like they don't do much from day to day, but they are actually able to send and receive complex communications...
People today are realizing that travel is more important than ever. Travel breaks down cultural barriers, and it's been shown to make people more tolerant and understanding of each other. It also helps to expand your view of the world, and spurs...
Birth has traditionally been an event of women coming together to care for and attend to each other. In modern times, however, birth is viewed as a medical event, and we've largely gotten away from women supporting women--which is why...
Clean With Food Are you still cleaning your house with store-bought cleaners? Save money and your health by cleaning your house with food items instead. People tend to think that if a chemical is available for purchase, it must be safe....
So you've been bitten by the RV bug but still want to garden? Container gardening might be your solution! Maybe you're still dreaming of the boundless life while living in an apartment right now. Again, container gardening might be your...