Two Essential Oils to Treat Staph Infection & MRSA


Essential oils have the ability to treat many problems holistically, without the harsh side effects that many prescription and over the counter drugs cause. Two similar and serious illnesses that some of these oils can help with, or in some cases completely heal, is Staph infection (Staphylococcal) and MRSA (Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus). Staph infection is a bacterial infection that causes abscesses, boils, ear infection, and folliculitis. MRSA is a more severe, and possibly life threatening infection that can develop after staph is untreated or treated incorrectly. Both of these infections can spread quickly and require immediate attention and even the antibiotics the doctor will prescribe have a chance to worsen your staph infection. MRSA is resistant to almost all antibiotics, so before you run to the doctor for pharmaceuticals, you may want to try these essential oils prescribed from mother earth.


Essential oils are concentrated liquids extracted from leaves, bark, stems, and flowers of plants. These oils are used widely for cooking, medicine, fragrance, cleaning, and much more. Essential oils are a great alternative to pharmaceuticals and have been used for thousands of years all over the world.

Oregano Oil (Origanum vulgare)

oregano herbal treatment oregano essential oilThis is known as the biggest player in the infection fighting game, and I can personally confirm it’s success. The most effective strain is origanum vulgare, containing extra powerful natural chemical ingredients to fight infection. Oregano can be applied topically or orally in a capsule. Due to its strength, be sure to dilute it with a carrier oil before using. Non-diluted topical/oral use can cause burns and irritation on the skin. This oil is an antiseptic, anti-viral, anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory, anti-parasitic, anti-oxidant, and pain relieving substance. Making it the top choice for most infections and a must have for any family or household to keep around just in case.

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Tea Tree Oil (Melaleuca alternifolia)

tea tree herbal treatment tea tree essential oilA mild, yet powerful antibacterial oil which has a wide range of uses beyond fighting infections, including making a great hand soap ingredient. Like oregano there are many strains of this oil, but the best one (for staph) is specifically Melaleuca alternifolia. Since the oil is less harsh than oregano, it is great for use on children, pregnant women, and people with sensitive skin. As always be cautious and pay attention to your body – there are some people that still need to dilute this pure oil. Tea tree is normally used for topical skin use, however there are some nasal rinses that it is good for. You won’t regret having this in your home next time you get an infection, bug bite, or most any other skin issues you may have.

Remember these homeopathic remedies work best in the early stages of these infections. Keep them in stock so you can apply them immediately at the first signs of infection or skin disease. If your infection gets too far a long you should consult a doctor right away.

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